Space Email relies on you to exist. If you come across something you think is demeaning, offensive, illegal, or overall tasteless and doesn't add value, don't hesitate to click Report.
If you like the site and want it to stick around, please register. Beyond letting me keep the project going and develop newer, cooler stuff, registering will allow you to star messages so that they don't slip back out into space. There are other neat things you can do, so be sure to check it out.
If you can't, that's just fine. You can help by using the service, writing quality content, and showing your friends.
Space Email is an indirect communication platform
that allows for a unique exchange of conversation
over space and time. You will never know who sent
the things you receive, or why.
Press refresh to check for messages. Press compose
to write. Put your name, subject, and message in the
form, and press send. Voila, you have preserved a
note in time. . .
Space Email ©2017 galaxy buster